Category Archives: General interest

To school by JET (the Rose JET Fund )

While watching his dad struggling with a complex grant application for  child education,  his son asked why it was so difficult. His father told him that it was so difficult finding the ‘novel approaches’ the donors were looking for, explaining that so  many grants now wanted to be new-thinking and different’ .  His don looked confused   “Whats that got to do with going to school”  he said….

Bingo !  KISSS !  ‘Keep it Simple, just Send kids to School !’

The media  nowadays try to get the stories which are different, unusual, sensational.  Many grant panels are pulled by this process. Understandably they want the publicity (helps they themselves get needed donations).   Organizations making light bulbs out of Coke bottles, computers made of of tin-cans etc attract attention.

While these fascinating projects have their place, the fact is, while of little media ‘wow’ ,   in the developing world, kids want, but huge numbers cant afford, to go to school.    More often than not the schools are there, the kids simply cant access them for want of the pitifully small amount of money, perhaps $50 per year which is needed to support the school.

In many cases the actual school building exists (organizations sometimes build, run the school for a while then move on) and there is are teachers available who will work for the barest minimum.

The Jet-Fund is aimed at helping creating a jet-stream of kids to be able to fulfill their dreams of education to help them fly into successful and happy futures.  At the moment the fund works very closely with the K2K program(s) in Sri Lanka, though it is being expanded into other parts of Asia and into Africa too.

The fund is administered by an advisory panel of school-children (currently UK) overseen by one or more members of the Rose Charities International Council.  No administration costs are taken at the donor country end, though a small percentage (up to 10% absolute maximum) is permitted at the recipient end to ensure proper screening and structuring (as can be imagined demand is colossal and far far outweighs the funding available)

If you’d like to become an ‘Education Jetsetter’  please contact  , donation page , or DONATE DIRECTLY (via UK site) Note: enter ‘for JET Fund in ‘notes to the Organization’ at the end of the process

Any donation welcomed (however small); or select a specific level,

Jetsetter – Economy:   $50 per year (1 kids to school)

Jetsetter – Business:     $100 per year (2 kids to school)

Jetsetter – First Class   $300 per year (6 kids to school)

Jetsetter – Exec suite   $500 per year  (10 kids to school)

Jetsetter – Private jet   $1000 per year (20 kids to school)  ( Private  ROSE-Jet registration allocated.. ie. RJET2 <  2, or more,’1′ is already taken ..yippee!> )

Rose Fellowship for Dr David Sabiston

Dr David ‘Sabo’ Sabiston

Rose Charities International has conferred Dr David  ‘Sabo’ Sabiston with its top ‘Honourary Fellowship’ title.  The title is only considered for persons who have had many many years of outstanding charitable efforts in their past, not only for Rose Charities but in any sphere or with any other organization too.  Dr Sabiston of Hamilton, New Zealand, is a most worthy recipient of the title having had a lifetime of helping others worldwide,  Africa to the Pacific Islands in both the delivery and teaching of ophthalmic surgery.

Over the past 10 years Sabo has been helping the Rose Charities Cambodia Sight Centre, both as a Rose Charities New Zealand board member and then continuing after retirement.  The Cambodian operative eye unit was in dire need of assistance in 2002 (having recently been looted of all its equipment by thieves).  John Veale of Chritchurch (optometry)  generously traveled to the center around that time then introduced it to Sabo and Mr Mike Webber (optometry), who then proceeded, year after year,  to assist its re-establishment and re-equipping. With this input the centre has (2012) now treated over 100,000 poor Cambodians and has grown, Directed by one of its founders, Dr Hang Vra, to its position as Cambodia’s foremost eye facility.  The efforts of Sabo in this work, in teaching, raising resources and being always being available as a bastion of support has been completely outstanding. Thousands Cambodians have had their lives restored as a direct result.

Mrs Anne George receives 

Fellowship title award

on behalf of Sabo in

Penang March 2012

Recently, Dame Silvia Cartwright (Patron of Rose Charities New Zealand and Ex. Governor General of New Zealand) specifically wrote to praise the work of the clinic.

Both Sabo and Mike Webber are also worthy recipients of the New Zealand ‘Order of Merit’ – one of the highest civilian awards New Zealand offers.

The Rose Charities Fellowship honours Rose Charities in equal measure to the recipient. All members of the network are proud and hounoured by Dr Sabiston accepting this title.   The award ceremony was performed at the IVth Rose Charities International Meeting Penang in March 2012.  Sadly, Sabo was unable to attend himself through health reasons, but Ms Anne George of Rose Charities was able to accept on Sabo’s behalf and also read out some much appreciated words from Sabo carried over from New Zealand



‘Sabo’ teaching in Cambodia 2009




Vancouver Cathedral Spring Concert for Tohoku-Japan

Vancouver is known for its cherry blossoms and late-April is when they get going; profoundly fitting for this lovely event. Come and see them and come to our beautiful concert. Rutsuku Yamagishi is one of the worlds great pianists. One of Rutsukos beliefs is that performances should be live only – thus she rarely (if ever) will perform for recordings in studios..