Category Archives: General interest

Women’s higher education sponsorship. .. rose Nepal’s wonderful ‘buhari’ program

Rose Nepal ‘Buhari’ trainees. Advanced education for women

‘Buhari’ means married women / daughters in law.   This is the name that Rose Nepal gives to its advanced education program for women.   It is well documented that women’s education is one of the most effective parameters in advancing communities in all areas in almost every parameter index, from health, poverty reduction, peace  and Rose Nepal promotes these strongly in it Buhari program.  The program operates from the rural Pharping area of the Kathmandu Valley.  Notable (see image)  is  Sushima Thapa magar, one of the best achieving students to date from Kopu Village close to graduating in Engineering and Architecture.  She will be the first female Rose-Engineering graduate from this small community.

Sponsorships  in the Buhai Program and run at around CAD 600 per student per year which include both tuition (CAD 300 appx) and living / course material costs.(CAD 300 appx)  It is hard to find an initiative of better value as it creates both a active, involved and hugely needed future for the student herself, as well as a panoply of secondary benefits for her family, community, region and country.   Partial assistance (ie covering a proportion of the costs at any level) are equally welcomed and will be pooled by Rose to complete the amount for a full Buhari Scholarship. 

Donate to this program (select Nepal Education and Community from drop-down)