Category Archives: Education

RCSL: ‘Every great achievement was once considered impossible’

Vigneswara Tamil Vidyalayam is located in Hopton, a “tea plantation” village in Lunugala town in the middle of a mountain range (about 150 km from Colombo and elevated about 750 m above the sea level).
This school was started during the British colonization period in 1938 with only one “shack” building. The persistent effort of the villagers made it possible to upgrade this school to a Secondary School (grade 1 to Grade 11) with 480 students and 30 teachers. Guided by the current principal Mr. S. Thiyagasundaram, this School became a “model School” with awards and achievements.
The Community around this school is very poor with the parents are mostly plantation labours. The main agricultural product of this community is tea. There are many beautiful tea estates in Lunugala. For generations, the majority of the villagers are labours in the tea estate. Additionally people cultivate pepper, cinnamon and cacao and do home based small business.
Presently there is awareness for education in this area. The villagers need help and support to find the resource for education. This was identified by Rose Charities Srilanka two years ago. For RCSL, it has been a new experience to work in the Hill Country.
For the last two years RCSL provides educational support. Since 2014 Rose Lanka Microcredit has also started a village group in Hopton, Lunugala with the support of AMDA. So far there are 52 active members from this village group.
This school became the main recipient of various types of support from Rose Charities Srilanka and Rose Lanka Microcredit pvt ltd. For the last two years education materials, books and other supports were given to this school
This year the volley ball team of Vigneswara Tamil Vidyalayam (under 15 age group) came third place in all island level. This is a milestone in the history of this school. Rose Charities Srilanka and Rose Lanka Microcredit gave volley ball, nets and shoes to those kids. Few of the boys who were achieved this were from the microcredit families of Rose Charities.
The story did not end here. Like the previous years, 8 Primary students have passed in the Grade 5 Scholarship Exams held this year. They were felicitated by Rose Charities Srilanka and Rose Lanka Microcredit. Medals were awarded to these kids.
The school community is grateful for what has been done and welcome the efforts of Rose Charities Srilanka and Rose Lanka Microcredit for future support.








School support in remote N.E. Thailand

hrh-kids3The Baan Mae Ramoeng School is close to the Myanmar border and helps around 1000 children from remove areas of considerable impoverishment. Population consists of mainly subsistence farming and there are many families displaced by conflict among the local population, the majority of which are ethnically Karen people.

Rose’s close Vancouver/Richmond partner organization CIEAF (Canadian International Education Assistance Fund) set out to assist this school having identified its needs through the Royal Thailand Consulate in Vancouver, which in turn was promoting its needs from one its main support group as one of the schools (of many) supported by Thailands Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn in her considerable and noteworthy spectrum of charitable assistance.

hrh-kids1The Baan Mae Ramoeng School is close to the Myanmar border and helps around 1000 children from remove areas of considerable impoverishment. Population consists of mainly subsistence farming and there are many families displaced by conflict among the local population, the majority of which are ethnically Karen people.

HRH. Princess Sirindhorn identified that many of the children at the Baan Mae Ramoeng School had to walk huge

Her Royal Highness Princess Sirindhorn makes a visit
Her Royal Highness Princess Sirindhorn makes a visit

distances, as much as 40km each way to attend class. Dormatary facilities were badly needed. In addition need for a vocational training scheem was also noted in order to try to boost income generation for families in this very poor area.

CIEAF, Thai Consulate and Rose Charities aim to work together for fund-raising and implementation of the school upgrade program and this will start with a fundraiser at the Thai Consulate in Vancouver on September 19th.

hrh-kids4Donations are, greatly welcomed, tax-receiptable (Canada) and may be made on line here (scroll down the list of causes to Thailand after you hit the donate button)



Rose NZ Retinal Surgical training team to Rose Cambodia Eye Hospital

20150705_175911Images from the groundbreaking June 2015 Rose Charities NZ retinal surgical training team visit toDr Vra and Natalia’s Rose Cambodia Eye Hospital. June 2015. With retinal surgeons Dr. Muhammad Khalid, from Hawkes Bay and

Mike Webber (GNZM) examines a patient
Mike Webber (GNZM) examines a patient

Dr Rob Weatherhead .

This enormously successful visit organized by ike Webber (GNZM) Optometrist of Wanganui NZ , and funded by generous NZ donors resulted in a major upgrade of retinal surgical capacity in the excellent facilities of  the new international standard hospital   built by Dr Vra. The original Kieng Khleang clinic remains to help meet the huge demand in Rose Cambodia’s services to the poor

Hawkes Bay Retinal Surgical Consultant Dr. Muhammad Khalid in hands-on training
Hawkes Bay Retinal Surgical Consultant Dr. Muhammad Khalid in hands-on training

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