Category Archives: Education

RoseJet powers up Sri Lanka kids education with K2K

As the 2012 school year enters its final months, it’s time for Rose Charities Sri Lanka to begin implementing its K2K (Kid to Kid) or JET Scholarship Program for the 2013 school year. So far, 16 students from the Natpiddimunai, Annamalai, and Pandirupu areas have been identified as needing special help and support. These 16 students, ages 6-15, come from families which have been severely affected by tsunami, war, or other hardships. All are missing at least one parent, and all face great obstacles to receiving the basic necessity of a proper education.

Rose Charities has worked with community support workers, local public school administrators, and the divisional secretary’s office to identify those children with the greatest need. After background checks and verification was conducted by RCSL, 16 students and their families were brought together for a meeting on August 30th with Rose Charities Sri Lanka CEO Anthony Richard and Rose staff who implement this program. Each of these 16 students will receive continued financial and material support provided by generous overseas donors participating in the K2K program. Initially, this will include a school supply package consisting of pens, pencils, a geometry set, textbooks and exercise books, and a backpack. In addition, an educational savings account has been opened for eight of the older students with an initial deposit.

CEO Anthony Richard talked with the families about the importance of saving for a child’s educational future and of the great empowerment and success that can be attained with a quality education. He also stressed accountability for both students and parents in keeping Rose Charities up-to-date so that it can provide continued support, and in ensuring that the funds donated to the K2K program are making a real and lasting impact on children’s lives.

More information on the K2K program can be found here:
We wish these students the best of luck as they enter the 2013 school year, and we look forward to many future successes!

Cambodia Medical Elective program upgraded..

The PPSC Rose Medical Elective Program is newly established although Rose has had experience in providing a medical elective program in the past. Our star Surgeon, Dr Nous Sarom has moved to become the Head of Surgery at the Preah Mettokelea Surgical Centre (PPSC) at the Military Hospital in Phnom Penh. Dr Sarom has had a long history with Rose and we have adapted our program to follow this wonderful surgeon and teacher. The Program is now being administered by Ms Sophak Chim who has excellent organisational skills and fantastic written English. She is managing our complicated schedule and ensuring that students receive communication from Cambodia upon receiving their email enquiries. Obviously being a new program there will be teething problems but we hope that the program will evolve to be a leading elective program in Cambodia, especially with the assistance of great feedback from the students!  … read more…

Rose Madagascar 2012 marked by amazing academic success !

Amazing success for Mahatsara Students in 2012. Amongst
top in region !


Who we are
Rose Madagascar is a small, volunteer-run group that is
committed to improving access to education in rural Madagascar. While our Canadian
Board is based in Western Canada, the heart and soul of our work lies in the
hands of our Malagasy partners who work tirelessly to improve the quality of
life in rural Madagascar.
Rural Education Initiative
Our main project, the
Mahatsara Rural Education Initiative, is located in Tsarahonenana, Madagascar.
The vision for Mahatsara came from a group of community members who saw a need
for education development in their village.
In English, Mahatsara
literally means ‘getting better’, or ‘improving’ and that is exactly what the
project aims to do. Having recognized a deficiency in early childhood
education, environmental awareness, nutrition, and literacy, Rose Madagascar
teamed up with Mahatsara to start a school in their village. The school is the
first project of many in a 10 year plan that will concentrate on improving the
quality of life in rural Madagascar.
Our Objectives
  • To reach out to individuals and
    communities facing adversity.
  • To empower individuals and
    communities to improve their quality of life from within.
  • To provide children and adults
    with access to academic and vocational training to improve the standard of
  • To encourage sustainable and
    holistic development through programs that consider the environment,
    health, education, and social well-being of communities as fundamental
    principles guiding development.
Mahatsara Projects &
  • Quality Education – In addition to providing access to education to
    children who would not otherwise have the opportunity to attend school,
    Mahatsara is committed to ensuring that each child receives a quality
News from the 2011-2012 school year – Mahatsara students have had an
amazing year of success.  We are very
proud to report that our grade 5 students were ranked amongst the top in the
region this year. The top grade on the National Examination in the Alarobia
region went to one of our students (with six other Mahatsara students scoring
in the top 10). 
In addition, all 27 Mahatsara grade 9 students passed the
difficult National Exam to receive their diplomas (we are still awaiting the
regional results to see where the students rank).
  • Community Garden Project – The school has a series of community garden plots
    that are cultivated by parents, students, and other community members. A
    portion of the harvest from each garden plot is contributed to the
    Mahatsara nutrition program.
  • Nutrition Program – The nutrition program provides lunch to
    students in an effort to ensure that each child receives at least one
    healthy meal per day. Parents volunteer at the program on a daily basis and
    students take turns bringing firewood for cooking from home each day.
  • The Mahatsara Parent’s Association – The Mahatsara Parent’s
    Association is the driving force behind the project and the school. While
    the parents of Mahatsara do not always have the ability to contribute
    financially to their children’s education, they contribute in many other
    resourceful and much needed ways.
  • Community Library – The school has a library with a small
    collection of books and educational resources. Books are very expensive in
    so virtually all of the books have been donated by international
  • Sports Programs – The School is engaged in a variety of sports
    teams and programs. In 2011, the Mahatsara basketball team made it to the
    regional finals.
  • Health Education – Throughout the years Mahatsara has organized
    community health education sessions at the request of community members.
    Some of the topics that have been covered include: sex education,
    nutrition training, and training on the hazards of cooking on a fire
  • The Mahatsara Store – The Mahatsara store sells school supplies and
    other small items to community members who can afford them. All proceeds
    are put back into the project.
  • Field Trips – The school has taken students on several field trips
    in the surrounding area. Among the most significant field trips has been a
    trip to the capital of Madagascar,
    through which older students at the school had the opportunity to see the
    capital and to tour the University. For most students, this was their
    first trip to Antananarivo