Category Archives: Education

Ebola preparedness Uganda

ebola-preparedness1One of the main causes of the current West African Ebola epidemic has been lack of trained personnel to identify and properly handle and treat early cases.  It is vital for other countries both African and other communities to receive the vital training in this area.  Please click here for the update of this current Makerere University – Rose Charities program 


Proyecto San Gerado Costa Rica joins Rose Charities Canada

image3Costa Rica’s rural population, especially in the south, has fallen far behind their city cousins in access to affordable education and adequately paying jobs. The typical family of 6 survives on $250/month with typical monthly food bills of over $120 alone. Proyecto San Gerardo has been offering an opportunity tolocal people in the villages of Rivas, Perez Zeledón, to stay in their communities and acquire income-generating skills since we were asked to teach English in 2006.  Every year an logoaverage of 200 students benefit from our English, Computer Skills, Business skills, First Aid and Apprenticeship courses as well as many more enjoying partial to full high school and university scholarships.  The project currently  provides employment to 3 local women and this year we will expand to 6 to accommodate the demand for Proyecto San Gerardo’s activities.     Read more..<click>..

Rose Charities Hillman Fund short report 2012-2013

HMEF ANNUAL REPORT 2012/13  <click for full report *.pdf> 

rr10The Hillman Medical Education Fund (HMEF) of Rose Charities Canada was started in 2007 by Dr Liz Hillman in memory of her husband Don and to continue their lifetime’s work supporting health education, especially in East Africa.   HMEF’s goal is to support potential leaders in health care and assist them as they build health education projects in their own communities. This year HMEF funded projects are in Uganda, Kenya, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Cambodia. Dedicated local leaders run all these projects. They are able to stretch our small grants to achieve big results. Typically grants are under $5000. The HMEF Team in Canada, led by Dr Joanne Young and guided by Dr Liz Hillman are all volunteers of Rose Charities Canada. They volunteer their time and cover any admin costs so that 100% of your donation will be sent to a project.