Category Archives: Africa

One Tree Hill Sinfonia plays for Malambo Zambia ! Sat Sept 15th 6pm

The amazing One Tree Hill Sinfonia is holding a charity concert for Malambo Grassroots Zambia  Saturday 15th September.

The Malambo Programs are supported through Rose Charities Canada  and carry out amazing and hugely needed work in child education, including music education, income generation, womens groups, and health.  One of their main organizers is Heidi Krutzen, Canada’s leading harpist currently living and working with the London Philharmonia.

For over 20 years Rose Charities has been developing essential ground level programs to many parts of the world, with no administration fees.

6pm Sat 15th September.   Admission 10pounds, St Augustines Church,  Honour Oak Park SE23

Malaria breath-print: the next generation diagnostic test ?

Rose Charities in rural  Uganda has an expanding early malaria school diagnosis and treatment  program which is proving extremely successful.  However it utilizes a (relatively) expensive test to make the original diagnosis which can be a limiting factor.

Research  has recently shown that children with malaria have a different breath smell and this could be the way to a new, cheap and simple malaria test for the near future.

The current tests are the traditional microscope examination of blood films or the more sophisticated and expensive  immunofluoresent tests.

But blood-smear microscopy, is difficult to implement in resource-poor settings, and the immunofluoresent rapid diagnostic testing has developed some limitations in that some forms of the malaria parasite are lacking the histidine rich protein II (HRP II) antigen altogether, which make them “invisible” to current HRP II-based diagnostic testing.

A cheap breath diagnostic test could bypass the need for any of the above tests and universally revolutionize malaria diagnosis both for the Rose programs and everywhere.