All posts by gwillg

Inspiration in Cambodia !

When Trish Gribben and Jane Midgley (Rose Charities NZ chairperson and treasurer) were in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, for the June meeting of Rose people from around the world, they visited Rose Australia’s rehabilitation project, run by physiotherapist Joanna (will, surname please). She was busy supervising the construction of a space attached to a hospital for post-operative physio—a concept almost entirely unheard of in Cambodia. The big room-to-be had no roof, lots of rubble and bamboo. NOW LOOK AT IT ON JOANNA’S BLOG:
We also met Chan Chea, a young woman who had not moved from her wooden cot since an illness struck her five years before. Thanks to Joanna’s physio programme over the last four months, Chan Chea could WALK to receive a certificate at the opening of the brightly-painted centre.
Trish Gribben says: “This is one of the best and most moving things I have EVER seen!”

Aid to Pakistan flood victims

A relief worker from Rose Charities International partner ‘Frontier Primary Health Care’ (FPHC) in N.W. Pakistan applies a dressing to the hand of an injured flood victim.  FPHC is working day and night in almost impossible conditions to assist tens of thousands of homeless, sick and injured persons in the region.

Rose Charities is assisting by raising and sending funds for medical supplies, food and clothing.  Rose Charities Canada works with close partner AMDA Canada, part of the AMDA International emergency relief network which has more than 30 years experience in organizing emergency humanitarian missions to disaster areas   More..